december; holidays, finishing strong, cold weather.

hi lazies, i know this break has been extended but i've been busy with college apps and other stuff. i've taken a break from just posting in general the last month and two. But i've been slowly joining back in, posting a little bit here and there.

things are just a bit slow especially with the sun setting at 5pm and the lack of energy to be honest. i know it's just season depression talking, but it's really hard to actually get up and do things when i don't really need to.

however i'm trying to change that and make myself busier, less screen time and doom scrolling, more productivity and working on projects.

things i'm looking forward to + grateful for

so here are some things that have me ready to jump out of bed(not really):

  • colddd season, i live in california where 7 months out of the year it's summer. (12-7=5 ok), and then I have like 2 months of spring, one month of fall, and two months of winter-fall. I know this weather is short lived so I enjoy it as much as I can.
  • being done with college apps. i finished most of it, i just have one last stretch to go
  • being consistent with posting, because I have more time, and I can't wait to get started on a content calendar and be active again on my social media platforms
    • linking them here:

content from me + updates

  • I have a whole lot of blog posts on my page from guest posters.

This is for November: read any of these here.

content, I've been enjoying

Here are some great videos and content creators i have been loving recently

wise words of the month: the lazy gal edition

  • you owe it to yourself to be better and not let others affect your well-being. pull through.
  • if you let something make you sick to your stomach, you have no control anymore. regain that control, take a break from social media, do video journaling, try a new hairdo, dance around, and eat more vegetables.

media recommendations

I have been sooo busy that I have not been reading or like watching anything other than a gilmore girls rewatch butt

  • I just started reading Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood (fave author)
  • I already watched 4 seasons of NCIS, and I continued watching the rest of it recently.

upcoming events:

  • I have a new workbook! It's $2.99 and it's a workbook for content creators and a roadmap to social media success. It has exercises and information on which social media platforms are the best for you, and also content ideas! Buy it here:

be true to yourself. stick to your morals and values, don't let others derail you,

hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!

I have a lot of freebies available and so much content out there, join the circle!

Read more from hi! I'm a podcaster and blogger!
A group of people standing in front of a building

hi lazies !!! it has been a while, but your girl is in COLLEGE!!! so i've been going through it, because my professors are like let's have all the midterms in the same two weeks and i'm like let's not... and then i have an exam here and there, and i know it's on the syllabus but i SWEAR it sneaks up on me every time, but don't worry i am locking in(kinda). if you're chronologically online like I am, then you've heard of the october canon event. and let me tell you something, i've gone through...

A blurry image of a circular object on a black background

hi lazies this is a mid-year recap of 2024 and I am just wondering where the time has gone, and what is next in store. i'm writing this july 15, and half of the year is GONE. we will never get it back and what we've done from january to mid july is done and done. we can't do anything about it, no time travel, so the only thing from now on is paying attention to the present and the future. this could be starting a new hobby, business, or lifestyle. or working on an already existing one and...

hi lazies It is May. This May has been one that I have dreaded and awaited for many years. I graduate in 3 weeks, and every second till then and afterward is invaluable. There's also so much on my plate this month from my birthday to finishing up finals and projects. things I'm looking forward to + grateful for i'm looking forward to... my birthday! this one is a milestone and I have so many things I want to do. ending school for a few months, I need a break!! having the time to spend on...